How The Turtle Wins the Weight Loss Program Race

How The Turtle Wins the Weight Loss Program Race

Most people know when they probably should consider a weight loss program for their health but not all of them really know where to start. Countless programs exist these days and it is hard to navigate and evaluate them all to see which one best suits your individual needs. Your best first resource in this instance is your primary care physician as they likely know of several best and worst case programs.

Weighty Questions to Ask your Doctor

First of all, it may seem silly, but some people who ask about a weight loss program don’t really need one. Therefore, talk with your doctor at your next visit and quiz him on your overall health, your body mass index (BMI) and your weight. Does your doctor feel that you need a weight loss program in order to protect your health?

Based on your health, you can ask your doctor about what your weight loss goals should be and what steps you should take to achieve them. In addition, ask for referrals for a nutritionist and even a personal trainer if necessary to help you map out your weight loss program. Your doctor should also tell you how your excess weight is affecting your health and what conditions you could develop if you do not start a weight loss program quickly.

If you are overweight, ask about prescription medications or herbal remedies that can help suppress your appetite. Are you a candidate for a surgical weight loss program or should you try all dietary and physical means in order to lose excess pounds first?

A Slow but Healthy Way

There are countless fad diets as well as those that depend on weight supplements to help you drop the pounds. However, do not kid yourself into thinking that you can stick with one of those fad diets for long. These diets, like the grapefruit or cabbage soup diet, are not designed for long term use and are really only a way to drop a few pounds, most of which is water weight, not fat weight.

A weight loss program that provides both a healthy, balanced diet along with physical activity is the best solution. While tweaking your eating habits as well as what you put in your mouth are all fine and good, you also need to learn how to permanently retrain yourself out of bad habits. This breaking of bad habits is perhaps the downfall of every person who has failed at a weight loss program. Without a disciplined approach to diet and exercise, you simply cannot adequately succeed in losing weight long term.

A slow but steady weight loss program is the best way to go as it is healthy and won’t put a shock to your body system, unlike fad diets. Depending on your body weight as well as body type, you should aim to lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week on your weight loss program. And if you are on a short term program, you want to make sure that you have a plan in place once it is over to maintain your weight loss. Between you and your doctor, you should be able to evaluate the top weight loss program options available to you and choose one that best suits your needs, whether it is a nationally recognized program like Weight Watchers or something more personalized that a doctor and nutritionist plans out for you.

Last Updated - Sunday, May, 08 2011

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